Volarić, Marač Tomb

Volarić, Marač Tomb

Mausoleum with cultural heritage site status (first category).

Author: unknown.

This mausoleum with intricate layout has corner pilasters decorated with Corinthian columns. Mausoleum has oval windows with decorative cast iron bars.

Entrance on the front facade is surrounded with fluting frame and a Christian symbol above it. A roof covered in bronze slates is resting upon a massive, rounded cornice. In the elevated central part there is a tall polygonal pinnacle with a cross. The interior holds a bronze bust and a large metal round portrait relief of the deceased.

The deceased:

  • Petar Marač, entrepeneur from Rijeka and Sušak, investor and a real estate merchant.
  • Milan Čalogović, who studied civil engineering in Budapest. Besides being a teacher of static and bridge building, he was military engineering officer, one of the founders of Technical Faculty in Zagreb. Also, he made blueprints for the customs building, harbor master building and warehouse in Baroš Port in Rijeka.
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