Restaurant Štajerc

Restaurant Štajerc

Try food like at home.
Have you ever wanted to try real local food? Here is your opportunity. In renovated restaurant Štajerc you can eat traditional local food or you can chose other types of food.

The name itself already reveals why this restaurant is important to locals and regional people. Maribor is located in the region named Styria, in Slovenian language "Štajerska". So anybody living in this region could be reffered to as "Štajerc" (Styrian). That is why this is one of the restaurants where you will often meet local people enjoying some traditional food.

Pleasant position in the old town centre will allow you to observe local people architecture. It is especially lovely in the evenings where the square provides an interesting scenery. Quite surrounding and always some guests in the terrase can easily make you stay for hours and drink one after another glass of ...

...home made beer

Restaurant Štajerc is not only very well known for its special food but also after home made beer, which is produced in the basement brewery. Try it but be careful with quantity. Some say that with every glass they bring you a better and bigger one. Suddenly you marry a Mariborian.

Nikola Tesla gambled around here

If you look to the west you will see an ice cream shop which is based in the corner of an old building. As you can already reveal from its position this was always an important house. Some people say that Nikola Tesla slept here often when living and gambling in Maribor. Of course he might have just been eating here where you are now back in the spring of 1878. Or gambled? As the story goes, Nikola Tesla was gambling and drinking heavily while living and working in Maribor for a few months.
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