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Taste Kamnik

Taste Kamnik is a part of the Taste Central Slovenia project, run by the Central Slovenia Regional Destination Organisation under the leadership of Ljubljana Tourism.

The aim is to strengthen the visibility of the cuisine in Central Slovenia. It is based on the Gastronomy in the region of Central Slovenia, a study led by Dr. Janez Bogataj, an internationally recognised and award-winning Slovenian ethnologist, who identified the most typical dishes in the municipalities of the central part of Slovenia.

Why Taste Kamnik

To develop a range of typical Kamnik culinary specialties, Kamnik Tourism and Sports Agency gathered an expert committee, who among several typical Kamnik dishes shortlist the main seven. These are complemented by a wider selection of dishes, which also have cultural value and represent a fusion of traditional and modern cuisine.

Selected dishes on the one hand represent the entire Kamnik region and on the other hand denote its individual units and the town of Kamnik itself. At the same time, the selection of dishes also illustrates the social diversity of the Kamnik region.

The list of Kamnik culinary specialties is not final; it will change and enlarge over time. This will provide a variety and freshness of Kamnik cuisine.