Learn by Moving
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Research. Educate. Learn by moving.
What's new in ARtour?
Memories of our development journey.
5 features that make ARTOUR better choice then Google Trips
Finally Google joined our quest for useful tour app. Yet there are features missing that we know of. :)
Changes in Artour sign in methods
The option to Sign in with your Facebook account will no longer be available.
Educate by moving
Because it is efficient. Fits the senses of your users.
How Mobile Learning Platform helps Educate Your visitors
Associations, communities and societies can now Educate by Moving their visitors.
Your Sightseeing plan. In Your pocket.
That travel planning thing. Simplified.
Enhancing augmented reality
Less is more.
Studying with mobile guides
Technology makes study more interesting and fun.
Choosing the path
Beyond the quickest route from A to B.
Enjoying sunsets?
They are among most ussual vacation photos. But where to take them?
Travel blog
Feelings, explorations and personal stories from those who love to discover new places.
Offline mode in mobile guides
Mobile data is cheaper every day. But high quality mobile guides are consuming a lot.
First set of mobile guide cards
We have tested the new system and solution with first set of printed cards.
Mobile is not desktop
Visit the spots you are describing and write there.
Is augmented reality useful?
Augmented reality is on the rise. Here are some pros and cons.
Travel easier with your smart phone?
Do you like to take your smart phone on a trip?
Learn By Moving
Cover your paths with wisdom
How to manage traveling time?
Do you wish to see most of the city in short period of time? Read this article and find out how.