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Do you have a free day in London and don't know what else to see?
Second DAY: 20 special things to see in London centre
Discover some of London's (almost) Forgotten but Amazing Attractions. Carefully selected and written guide, prepared by humans for humans. With attractions that are not available in any other guide. In this special mobile guide you will:
- find money treasures of City of London
- see London from the top the cheap way
- relax in Potters Field Park
- learn war time history at HMS Belfast or The Golden Hinde
- try local vine or check where Shakespeare got drunk
- experience the horror of midevial prison (hidden one)
- visit 15 more hidden treasures of London
Best mobile guide app
More than just a simple app. ARTUOR is working offline with precise GPS dynamic map, providing Augmented Reality mode.
Besides that, content is unique, combined from varried resources and explains each point in depth.
Guide like a pro
You are not alone? Use ARTOUR and your friends and family will be sure that you have studied and learned history of London. You might be mistaken as a professional guide but do not mind that. Just keep your role going and enjoy it.
Download free
Just visit Google Play or App Store. ARtour is there for you to download free of charge. All you need is a smartphone with Android (2.2 and up) or iOS operating system. By downloading ARtour all available free routes are automatically installed on your phone.
User Experience
"It is a guide that even Londoneirs could use to learn about their city. I am impressed."
Chris (Londoneir)
Our guide has 20 special points that you can walk around in 1 day in the London centre.
A special guide by our Editors
This is one of guides created by our editors and communities around the world. Picked and rethought to go for the best of places.
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