Unfortunate destiny of two Jurij's and Wundsam family

Unfortunate destiny of two Jurij's and Wundsam family

Story is from 19th century.
In year 1814 a great wish for a Ptuj's tanner Wundsam came true. He got a boy, who he named Jurij. The joy was even bigger because family already had seven daughters. They also prepared a special celebration for that event. One Sunday a tanner and his wife and children went to a pilgrim church on Ptuj's hill. A nanny Nežka had to take care for a young Jurček. When the family left, she took the baby in one's arms and head on a walk outside of town's wall towards to the bar from where the music came. A waitress send a nanny Nežka to a back room where she left the baby sleeping and went on the dance floor. Later three Hungarian hussars came and take off their coats and put them on the bed over the baby. Because of the coats a poor baby unfortunately suffocate him self. Nežka rembered how she saw when she was young some women that killed a baby tied with a iron chains on the Orpheus monument (at that time used as pillory). She was  was so desperate that he wanted to jump into the river Drava and commit a suicide. But Franček saved her in a last moment and she escaped with him.

When Wundsam parent's saw their dead baby they were desperate and very sad. Later on the tanners family adopted a neighbour boy whose name was also Jurij and his mother unfortunately died.

Adopted son Jurij left the family and went in Germany in order to train for a tanner. But after a few years a plague "came" in Ptuj and took both Jurij's stepparents. Because of that Jurij came back from Germany but he also brought her wasteful wife Angela with him. At home he took over the home tanner business, but he was a bad manager. He spent a lot of money for his wasteful wife. Angela also stole from the store cash-register. After a while Jurij got sick and he couldn't work. Debts were growing up from day to a day and Jurij kept taking the loans in order to satisfy his wife. She continue spending his money in spas and never carry about Jurij. Jurij died because of his illness in year 1842. Later on his oldest daughter sold everything and moved into a house in the middle of the castle slope.

That is how a wasteful Angela spent all riches and a good name of Wundsam family.
Tako je razsipna snaha Angela zapravila ime in bogastvo Wundsamovih.

Summarize after: Utrinki življenja iz zakladnice  tisočletji v pripovedkah in legendah
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