Restaurant Ribič

Restaurant Ribič

The location on which you are located on and where the restaurant Ribič is located was through the city history marked with a activities which has a significant influence on the life of the citizens. The restaurant which is located directly next to the bridge for pedestrians and cyclists has a classical facade and a summer garden (opened most of the year). Next to the restaurant you can find a small boat quay. During the summertime you are also able to drive with this small boat on the river Drava.

The the building of the restaurant has a year tag 1827, which is craved into the building. But the history of the building reach longer in the past than just until 1827. The location is connected with tanner and leather trade, which is already mentioned in Middle Ages. After building a bridge in 14. Century right next to the today's building of a restaurant an area became much more lively. For a several years a bakery was located in today's building. "The village inn", which a lot of salesman and rafter visited was in the past located in a next building. According to the list of known owners of the building since 1785 we can see a lot of wealthy citizens on that list. The building of restaurant has preserved its own structure and mostly all walls. In the restaurant a crew dressed up in a aristocratic dress will serve you a special aristocratic menu - of course you will have to order it in advance.
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