Drava Tower

Drava Tower

Drava Tower, where you are located was once a magnificent fortress. It was build in year 1551. At the moment it is the biggest tower of former six towers which was build in Renaissance defence system and it is also the only one preserved. Today is Drava Tower more known as "Mihelič Gallery". At first there was no roof as you see it today. The tower was actually build without a roof - Cannon platform was located on the top of the tower. The cannon balls were build in the tower, but according to the legend they were discharged by the Turks and not build in. You can also find two plates build in the tower which indicate the level of river Drava during the flood in 1576 and 1857. Above the entrance in tower you can see the city coat of arms which used to be a part of Hungarian door and origins from 1551. City coat of arms is also the last preserved part of Hungarian door's. When citizens didn't need the tower for defence any more, they transform it into an apartments. Later - in year 1938 Drava Tower was transformed into a museum. Inside the tower people were able to see a museum vine collection, but after 1967 Drava tower is a place for occasional art exhibitions. Today's more known name of Drava Tower is Mihelič Gallery. Since 1992 Tower is named after a painter Franc Mihelič - he was once a professor on Ptuj's secondary school and also painted a lot of his famous painting during staying in Ptuj. Nowadays the Towers is used for modern art exhibitions.

Kasneje – leta 1938 je bil Dravski stolp spremenjen v muzejsko razstavišče. V stolpu kot razstavišču je bila najprej urejena vinska zbirka, od leta 1967 je Dravski stolp prostor za občasne likovne razstave. Današnje bolj znano ime Miheličeva galerija je Dravski stolp dobil leta 1992 po slikarju Francetu Miheliču, ki je kot takratni profesor na ptujski gimnaziji naslikal nekaj svojih najpomembnejših del. Danes je stolp namenjen razstavam sodobne likovne umetnosti.
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