City square

City square

On the City square which is correctly formed into a marked place and it is a central square of Ptuj a city hall is located - headquarters of municipality. Square is also very known after several events that take place on that square. The most known event is definitely Kurents carnival.

Because of a big fire in 1744 the nowadays City square was named after protector against fire St. Florian. A year after that a monument of St. Florian was erected on that square in commemoration on the people that died during a big fire in 1744. That monument still stands on the City square.

The most impressive building on the City square is already mentioned City hall. The sign on the building proofs that the City hall building was built between 1906 - 1907. On the spot where today's City hall is standing, a house of Dominicans and later a property of trade family "Poskočil" was standing. Ground plan of the first building was the same in comparison with today's building, but the first building had one floor less. The building as we see it today, was in beginning of 20. Century built on behalf of municipality by architect Maks Ferstel from Graz. Corner house of today's City hall origins from 18. Century - inside you can find a good coffee, which has a long tradition.

Younger and lower City square is connected with older and higher Slovenian square. The Murkova street is named after ethnographer and linguist Matija Murko. The most prominent house on that street is a real patrician house and has a house number 1.
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