About the cemetery

About the cemetery

Polloe is the main cemetery in San Sebastian, although there are two more in the city. Polloe cemetery was opened 127 years ago and the first burial took place on August 12th 1878.
Spanish cities at the end of the 19th Century transferred the concept of bourgeois urban expansion to the cemetery in an orthogonal layout with wide avenues intersected by narrower streets, thus forming small enclosures where the graves were set out following a hierarchical order: from the family vaults and more distinguished graves, near the entrance, to the communal graves at the end of the cemetery.

Within this internal layout there are some characteristics, like the cemetery for 'dissidents' or 'civilians', or for the burials of non-Catholics, which had a different entrance from that of Polloe and had no access. This had a tangential space, which was closed with the arrival of democracy. In addition, the servants' quarters, autopsy rooms and a chapel could be found in the cemetery.

This layout has been maintained up until now, with the expansion of two different sites, in 1919 and 1944, until the current 62,000 m2 of plot was reached, with reorganised space and revamped management and with more than 100,000 burials taking place.


Polloe Cemetery
C/ Sibilia s/n
20012 San Sebastián Spain
Tel. +34943422129
Tel/Fax: +34943297134
e-mail: funeraria_municipal@donostia.org
Website: http://www.polloe.com

Opening hours:
From april 1st to november 1st Monday to saturday: from 8.00 to 19.00 Holidays: from 9.00 to 19.00
From november 2nd to march 31 Monday to saturday: from 8.00 to 18.00 Holidays: from 9.00 to 18.00

Office hours (in Duque de Mandas, 14):
every day from7.30 to 22.30

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