Cathedral of Mary's Assumption

Cathedral of Mary's Assumption

The Cathedral stands in the location of a former ancient building – a Roman basilica.

The history of the Cathedral goes back to the 12th century, when the city acquired its own diocese.

Today's front combines Gothic (the lower part) and Renaissance styles (the upper part).

The Cathedral keeps numerous treasures:

the big altar painting "Madonna with Child on the Throne and Saints", painted by Vittore Carpaccio in 1516, the stone sarcophagus of Koper's patron saint, St. Nazarius from the 15th century, etc.

Displayed in the presbytery of the Cathedral is a painting by A. Zanchi, "The Wedding in Kana". The organ of the Cathedral is decorated by Carpaccio paintings "The Presentation in the Temple" and "The Slaughter of the Innocents".

The interior of the Cathedral was redecorated by the famous architect Giorgio Massari in the 18th century.
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