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Tired of copy-paste all the content you want to learn on your next trip?
Tired of copy-paste all the content you want to learn about on your next trip?
Search Wiki, Facebook, Google places and more
Go to our search page and check what exists about your next destination. Just add the points you want.
Suggest other sources with public API you would love to use and we'll add that.
Automatic import to Your guide
As you end up adding points click the plus button on the bottom. A new guide will be created for you with all the pictures and locations and texts. Everything there is.
Why import?
Because you want your guide synchronized to your mobile device. No need for internet connection on the move.
Correct it at will
The content is imported with primary source linked at the bottom of the point. So you can further edit the content to fit it to your travel itinerary. As you edit, the content becomes your currated content.
Others may import your points
Please note that the platform is meant for learning. If you find something interesting and write it down, anyone should be able to reuse your thoughts for learning.
However we really do respect authors rights at any time. If someone is further reusing your materials within our system and you don't find it appropriate, let us know. We will act immediatelly as far as we can to prevent unapropriate usage.
More about this in Terms of Use.