The Lukinić grave

The Lukinić grave

The most prominent buildings and graves
The grave of the Lukinić family, one of the most distinguished and one of the wealthiest families in Karlovac, apiarists, factory owners lawyears, politicans and physicians, marks the beginning of the wall sequnce of graves, by which the cemetery was fenced off from Primorska ulica. The drawing was made in 1931 in the Zagreb stone cutting workshop of Jarosla Strecha, who was also confided with the making of the monument of costly highly polished Swedish granit. The form composed with a variant architectural vocabulary of Classical Greece was harmonised with rendering of the main facade of the nearby Hoffmann mausoleum and perhaps created actually under its influence. The tripartite inscription slab bears massive fluted columns of the Dorian order that carry a gable with discreet carvingof the fundamental Christian symbol , the cross. There is also interest in the approach that has preserved the current Minis dorfer funerary monument that once occupied the site of this grave: it was not removed, but placed in new spot in Fielf II, where it is to be found today, kept up and maintained. 
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