About the Dubovac Catholic Cemetery

About the Dubovac Catholic Cemetery

Near the center Karlovac, under the walls of the Old Town Dubovac, which dates from the 12th century, there is the old Dubovac Catholic Cemetery. It was founded in the year 1820 in the place which in the 17th and 18th century served for burying the dead from the plague. For the decoration the cemetery was positivily impacted by the construction of the Mirogoj Cemetery Zagreb. The impact of Mirogoj construction is seen in Karlovac where several families build their tombs so that the outer wall of the operational fence is toward the road while the inner side of the tombs designed with pilasters and arcades. The turned point in the history of the cemetery is in 1899, when the city government issued "Regulations on the cemetery at Dubovac", and since than burial and cemetery maintenance becomes a concern of the City.


TEL.: 385(0)47609920, FAX: 385(0)47617335, MAIL: zelenilo@zelenilo.hr, WEB SITE: www.zelenilo.hr

Opening hours:
01.04.-30.09.  from 7,00 a.m. to 9,00 p.m.
01.10.-31.03.: from 7,00 a.m. to 5,00 p.m.

31.10.,01.11. and 02.11. from 7,00 to 10,00 p.m. 

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