Pharmacist's wife was buried alive

Pharmacist's wife was buried alive

Legend from 17th century.
Pharmacy was once located on the edge of the Street of all saints (today - Jadranska street). People used to tell a secret story about a pharmacist Advencij, who was married with the only daughter from Guffante family (very wealthy trade family in Ptuj). Parents of the bride were didn't approve the wedding, but without a success. A young bride died very soon - already in first year of a marriage. She was buried dressed in her wedding dress on the cemetery which used to be located next to the city tower and was surrounded with a high wall. But Ptuj's gravedigger wanted to break in the grave during the night and rob it. But the wife he found in the grave was just seemingly dead and stood up after gravedigger broke in. But he was found dead in the grave - he died after a stroke. Later on pharmacist Advencij found his wife under the dock on the stairs where she lied dead and frozen. A gravedigger was punished even after his death.

Summarize after: Utrinki življenja iz zakladnice  tisočletji v pripovedkah in legendah
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